Glenelg 08 8294 0100 North Adelaide 08 8239 0800    

About Us


The Foot & Leg Centre offers a gentle form of treatment to assist you with your suffering from foot pain and associated conditions. We treat the cause of your foot pain and other associated pain, naturally and without surgery, medication or orthotics.

We provide solutions to foot pain, to help you enhance your quality of life and live the way you want to. The Foot & Leg Centre helps has also helped countless clients who are frustrated with gaining past treatments that have simply not worked. Together, Ted Jedynak - owner and founder of the Centre - and our team of skilled practitioners have assisted countless people with foot and associated pain.

Many people just like you have seen success with our team. Due to the success of the therapy offered, the Foot & Leg Centre has grown to two locations to help those suffering from foot and associated pain - one in North Adelaide (est. 2002 ) and one in Glenelg (est. 2006). And, in 2004, we were recognized for our success by being awarded Telstra's "Small Business Award".

Using a type of therapy known as Foot Mobilization, the Foot & Leg Centre is the only Centre in Australia set up to deliver highly specialized manual therapies for podiatry issues. The techniques used in Foot Mobilization are actually taken from a practice known as manipulative therapy, which is used in many disciplines, such as physiotherapy, chiropractic and osteopathic. We are not your traditional podiatrist and really target biomechanical problems of the foot and leg that cause your grief.

A leading expert in the techniques and assessment associated with Foot Mobilization Therapy, Ted Jedynak has worked to develop and refine foot pain and associated pain.

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Centre Locations

North Adelaide :
18 Melbourne Street North Adelaide SA 5006 Australia
08 8239 0800

Glenelg :
5 Cowper Street Glenelg SA 5045 Australia
08 8294 0100

© Foot & Leg Centre 2014. All rights reserved.